Please consider submitting an abstract to a proposed panel for the 2016 British Women Writers Conference in Athens, Georgia June 2-5
Panel topic:
The Scene of the Page: Bibliographic and Book-Historical Approaches to the History of British Women’s Writing, 1700-1900.
This proposed panel will consider how and what we learn about women’s literary history when we pay attention to the material and technological conditions of writing and publishing: to the “scene of the page.” Topics for discussion might include (but are not limited to): how did women writers and readers exploit the coexistence and interactions of manuscript and print cultures? What difference did gender make to the commercial and aesthetic aspects of book production (format, typography, illustration, and binding, for example) and distribution (copyright, piracy)? How did the circulation of books and print media between and within metropolitan and rural centers, across national and linguistic borders, or within imperial media ecologies, work to develop gender, race, and class-based concepts of authorship, audience, and literary tradition? How did women participate in the various ancillary print industries: publishing, printing, typesetting, bookbinding, distributing, bookselling?
Please send a 300-word abstract and a short bio (in a single attachment) by December 31, 2015, to selection notification by January 2, 2016 (deadline for submitting the panel proposal to the BWWC is January 5).