NAVSA Panels at the 2014 Brock U ACCUTE
1A – Joint Session with the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA): Victorian Uses and Abuses of History I – East Academic 101 Organizer and Chair: Martin Danahay (Brock U) Kate Katigbak (U of Durham) “‘Mythistory’, and the cultivation of Industrial Revolution historiography in Engels’ The Condition of the Working Class in England” Mike Lesiuk (U of Waterloo) “Interpretation and History in Dickens and Benjamin” Lisa Surridge and Mary Elizabeth Leighton (U of Victoria) “Visualizing Histories in A Tale of Two Cities: The Use of Historical Illustration in Transatlantic Versions of Dickens’ Serial Novel” Deborah Denenholz Morse (C of William and Mary) “History, Modernity, and the Liberal Self in Anthony Trollope’s The Way We Live Now”
2C – Joint Session with the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA): Uses and Abuses of History II – East Academic 104 Organizer and Chair: Martin Danahay (Brock U) Ruth M. McAdams (U of Michigan) “False Alarms: The Surface Historicisms of Vanity Fair and The Trumpet-Major” Abigail Boucher (U of Glasgow) “Victorian Origins: The Aristocratic Body in the Medieval Revival” Alan Rauch (U North Carolina, Charlotte) “Stopping Time: Philip Gosse’s Prochronism and the Future of History”
2C – Joint Session with the North American Victorian Studies Association (NAVSA): NeoVictorian Uses and Abuses of History – East Academic 104 Organizer and Chair: Martin Danahay (Brock U) Alison Halsall (York U) “Expropriating the Victorians: Alan Moore’s Commodification of Victoriana in Comics Culture” Ann Howey (Brock U) “The Mystery of History: Connie Willis’ To Say Nothing of the Dog as Neo-Victorian Fiction” Nicole Burkholder-Mosco (Lock Haven U) “Monsters and Mashups: Appropriating the ‘Other’ into Neo-Victorian Texts”