ACCUTE (Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English) occurs from May 27 to June 4, 2006 in Toronto, Canada
CFP: NAVSA-NASSR JOINT SESSION: Nation and Migration in Nineteenth-Century Literature (11/15/05; NAVSA/ACCUTE, 5/27/05-6/04/05)
Panel organized by Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie U) and Julia Wright (Dalhousie U)
Selected Panel Members (First Panel):
- Robert Lapp (Mount Allison University), "Galt's Bogle Corbet: Biedermeier Emigré"
- Daniel Hannah (University of Leeds), "Transatlantic Passages: Ships and Transnational Narratives in the Nineteenth Century"
- Jessica Howell (University of California, Davis), "Mrs. Seacole Prescribes Hybridity
Selected Panel Members (Second Panel):
- Nancy Metz (Virginia Tech), "Martin Chuzzlewit's Emigrants: The Eden Subplot and its Sources"
- Elizabeth Galway (University of Lethbridge), "Where Only the Strong Survive: Portrayals of the British Migrant in Canada in Nineteenth-Century Children's Fiction"
- Lucas Tromly (University of Manitoba), "Regional Nostalgia and Fin de Siècle Modernism: Oscar Wilde and the Postbellum South"
Proposals for individual or collaborative papers are invited on the theme of "Nation and Migration in Nineteenth-Century Literature." Possible topics might include (but are not limited to):
* emigration, immigration, and nineteenth-century literary history
* the pre-history of diaspora as a way of conceiving of nations in exile
* the role of exiled intellectuals and artists in shaping patterns of im/migration and ideas of nationhood, cosmopolitanism, and citizenship
* internationalist movements, migrations of ideas across borders, and their relationship to literature and literary nationalisms (e.g., Joseph Mazzini's "Young Europe," Marxist internationalism, the trans-Atlantic anti-slavery movement, Irish-Italian liberation politics, the transplantation of prison models from the US to Europe, suffrage movements, etc.).
Since this is a joint session of NASSR and NAVSA with ACCUTE, the co-organizers particularly welcome proposals for papers that migrate between the Romantic and Victorian periods, or that connect nineteenth-century literature in Britain and Ireland to developments in American or Canadian literature or continental European literatures.
CFP: Elizabeth Barrett Browning in Literary History: A Bicentenary Session (11/15/05; NAVSA/ACCUTE, 5/27/05-6/04/05)
Panel organized by Marjorie Stone (Dalhousie U)
Selected Panel Members:
- Michele Martinez (Harvard University), "Portraiture and Modernity in Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh"
- Amy Criniti (Duquesne University), "'Study our manuscripts': The Influence of John Donne on Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnets from the Portuguese"
- Karen Manarin (Mount Royal College), "The Brownings, Canon Formation, and the North American Literary Currriculum"
Conferences in the US and the UK, a special issue of the journal Victorian Poetry, and other events are planned for 2006, to mark the bicentenary of Elizabeth Barrett Browning's birth. While EBB was among the most influential and widely translated of nineteenth-century English poets, no session of ACCUTE has thus far focused exclusively on her writings and their place in literary history. This joint session of NAVSA and ACCUTE will contribute to marking the bicentenary in Canada. The organizer is interested in proposals that speak to any aspect of EBB's (or Barrett Browning's, as you prefer) works, artistic identity, formative influences, relationships with other writers, or impact on literary and cultural history. Possible topics might include (but are not limited to) EBB's connections to Romanticism; Italian and English politics; Victorian religious controversies; the anti-slavery movement; the "woman question"; nineteenth-century generic and formal innovations; and the dissemination of her works and image in popular culture.