

Existing Member's Log-in and Membership Renewal: log in here.

Click here for COVE-only access

 N. B. : If you are already a member of NAVSA and wish to renew, please log in rather than using the options below. If you don't, you will end up with two different memberships.

NEW NAVSA Membership, (including permission to register for the annual conference, subscription to Victorian Studies, access to the COVE toolset, and access to member listings; membership covers the current calendar year January-December).

(Choose one option under each of the four headers below. When you have made all of your choices, a button for payment will appear.)

Membership Type
  • Regular
  • Student
  • Retired
  • Unaffiliated
Preferred Format of Victorian Studies
  • Print
  • Digital
Mailing Location
  • US
  • Canada
  • Outside US/Canada
Membership Type
  • One Year
  • Recurring Yearly

I only want access to the COVE toolset.

(Choose one option under each of the two headers below. When you have made your choices, a button for payment will appear.)

Membership Type
  • COVE
Membership Length
  • One Year
  • Recurring Yearly

Alternatively, members can send a check to our Secretary-Treasurer:

North American Victorian Studies Association
c/o Laura RotunnoPenn State Altoona, 3000 Ivyside Park, Hawthorn 210, Altoona PA 16601

If you are writing a check, please make your cheque or money order payable to "NAVSA."
We will process your application as fast as we can.