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CFP: NAVSA 2025 Roundtable, “Resources for Advising the Academic Job Search” (Proposal Deadline: 3/1/25)

“Resources for Advising the Academic Job Search” 
NAVSA 2025 Roundtable 
Washington, D.C.
November 13-16, 2025

Proposal Deadline: March 1, 2025 

NAVSA has a long history of offering its graduate students the opportunity to participate in pre- or post-conference professionalization workshops. But rarely do the advisors of these students have a forum for sharing with each other the advising materials they have developed. This proposed NAVSA 2025 roundtable aims to gather faculty advisors of graduate students conducting academic job searches. Panelists—who may include departmental job placement officers, DGSs, or anyone else who advises graduate job seekers—will share information, materials, and strategies relevant to advising the academic job search. Panelists might offer, for instance, handouts, templates, samples, timelines, spreadsheets, presentation materials, or web resources that they have created and that they distribute to their graduate student advisees. Among other possibilities, these resources might address understanding different kinds of academic jobs, parsing job ads, drafting particular job documents, preparing for interviews, conducting teaching demonstrations, presenting job talks, negotiating offers, determining whether to go (or how long to remain) on the market, or managing the emotional or financial toll of the job search. Also welcome are papers offering data analyses of the current state of the academic market or metacommentary on advising job seekers. Paper presentations of 5–8 minutes each will consist not of direct advising to graduate students, but rather of introductions to the materials that panelists are making available. All materials gathered will be shared with attendees via web link. Although the intended audience for this panel is primarily faculty advisors, graduate students are most welcome to attend and may find the materials shared by panelists directly relevant to their own job searches. 

Proposals will be accepted through March 1, 2025. Please submit an explanation of no more than 150 words of the resource you propose to share, plus a biographical note of no more than 75 words to Emma Davenport (emma.davenport@emory.edu). 

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