Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Global Medievalisms from the 19th to the 21st Century (Proposal Deadline: 9/15/24)

Global Medievalisms from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century (in-person panel)
2025 International Congress on Medieval Studies
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, MI
May 8-10

Proposal Deadline: September 15, 2024

In Medievalism: Key Critical Terms, Tom Shippey observes that “Medievalism is self-evidently a modern invention. One cannot have a middle without two ends, and the very phrase “the Middle Ages” implies a prior and later period to frame those ages” (149). For this session, we encourage proposals that explore how the meanings of Medievalism are a product of the tension between the middle and modern and how the middle is understood, imagined, and shaped in the context of the present, particularly for authors and their implied and actual readers.

Papers might consider how Victorian Britain and its empire defined the Middle Ages and determined the trajectory of medievalism and its reception in modernity; papers might also engage with the global, political, religious, and cultural discourses stemming from the construction and reception of the Middle Ages.

To submit proposals, visit the International Congress (Western Michigan University) website: Call for Papers (confex.com).

Questions: Panel hosts Robert Sirabian (rsirabia@uwsp.edu); Daniel Nojork (DanielNajork@asu.edu)

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