Walter L. Arnstein Prize for Dissertation Research in Victorian Studies
Midwest Victorian Studies Association
Applications Due: January 2, 2024
The Midwest Victorian Studies Association offers the Annual Walter L. Arnstein Prize for Dissertation Research in Victorian Studies, a prize of $1,500 for dissertation research in British Victorian Studies undertaken by a student currently enrolled in a doctoral program in a U.S. or Canadian university. Proposals may be submitted in literature, history, art history, or musicology but should have a significant interdisciplinary component that will render them of interest to scholars studying Victorian Britain across a range of disciplines, approaches, and subfields.
Applicants for 2024 must submit:
- A cover sheet
- A statement on research (maximum 3 single-space pages, 12-point font). Please provide a brief overview of your dissertation topic, remembering that your proposal will be reviewed by faculty members in several disciplines. Indicate clearly the present state of your work and explain how an award would assist you in completing the dissertation (for example, partial travel support, purchase of library supplies, etc.).
- A current CV (maximum 2 pages single-spaced, 12-point font)
- TWO letters of reference; these must be submitted directly by recommenders to arnsteinprize@midwestvictorian.org
For more information about the 2024 Walter L. Arnstein Prize requirements, download this year’s Arnstein Call for Papers.
DEADLINE: January 2, 2024 (The recipient will be notified in February 2024)
Please submit cover sheet, statement, and CV by email to arnsteinprize@midwestvictorian.org.