"Trans(-)Turns in Nineteenth-Century Studies"
Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cincinnati, OH
21-24 March, 2024
Proposal deadline: 2 October 2023
Trans- “across, through, over, to or on the other side of, beyond, outside of, from one place, person, thing, or state to another”; “beyond, surpassing, transcending” (OED). Whether in bridging divides or leaping over them, contesting a binary or dismantling it, “trans(-)” linguistically registers changes of state as well as movements in time and space; it indexes communication or traffic that puts places, persons, and things in new relations to one another and, perhaps, to themselves. Building on INCS’ rich history, this iteration of the conference will seek to explore the “trans(-)” alongside and in productive tension with the “inter-.” Proposals on a wide array of topics from all areas of nineteenth-century studies will be welcome.
Topoi of potential interest:
- transatlanticisms
- transcendentalisms
- transdisciplinarity
- transgender
- transhumanism
- transimperialisms
- translation
- transmedia
- transnationalisms
- transpacificisms
- transportation
- transurbanism
INCS has a unique panel format to facilitate discussion and collaboration. Presenters pre-circulate a written version of the papers shortly before the conference and give a 7-8-minute synopsis during their panels, leaving ample time for dialogue and exchange.
Deadline for paper proposals (200-word abstract and a one-page CV) is October 2, 2023.
For more information, contact Mary Jean Corbett at INCSCinti2024@gmail.com