Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Flightless Conference “EVENT 2024” (Deadline: 12/1/23)

Event 2024
Flightless Conference
Hybrid format

Event 2024 is an experiment in sustainable global conferencing, including monthly Zoom events, face-to-face hub events in September, and the asynchronous discussion of uploaded papers on COVE Conferences.

We will not be restricting talks: all talks that explore the period 1832-1910 will be considered. We encourage reflection on our theme, “event,” which can be interpreted broadly: catastrophic events (like climate change); history and temporality; chronologies and periodization; narrative; theater and spectacle; liturgy and ritual; performativity and identity; personal events (marriage, birth, death); autobiography and biography; unnarratable events (the sublime, the visionary, the transcendent); the bildungsroman; the relationship of form to change; historical poetics and strategic formalism; longue duréejetztzeit; Foucauldian archaeologies; alternative events (the optative, historiographic metafiction, steampunk); notions of singularity (systems theory, AI, climate), the eventuality of the digital; Event and revolution (Badiou, Dupuy); and so on. Given the global nature of Event 2024, we would also be interested in talks that explore global issues, such as the Commonwealth, imperialism, world trade, war, and the environment.

Find out more about the conference, dates, and international hub locations here: https://www.event2024.org/


Proposals are due by December 1, 2023


Cross-hub organizers:

Dino Franco Felluga: felluga@purdue.edu
Chris Adamson: chris.adamson@dsu.edu
Joshua King: Joshua_King@baylor.edu

International Hubs

Montréal, QC

Konstanz, Germany
Frankfurt, Germany

Melbourne, Australia
Seoul, South Korea

Belfast, Northern Ireland
Cardiff, Wales
Hawarden, Wales
Lancaster, England
Stirling, Scotland

Atlanta, GA
Boston, MA
Boulder, CO
Davis, CA
Seattle, WA
West Lafayette, IN
Waco, TX

Proposal Submission

Submit your proposal on the conference website: https://www.event2024.org/call-for-papers/

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