Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, UK and Ireland (ASLE-UKI)
Biennial Conference
August 30 – September 1, 2023 (August 29 = ‘online day’)
University of Liverpool
Deadline for CFP: June 1, 2023
More details: https://asle.org.uk/events/liverpool-2023/
The theme of the 2023 conference is ‘Transitions’. At a moment of linked geopolitical and environmental emergencies, the sense of existing in a moment of transition is increasingly pervasive. But even if a transition is inevitable, its nature is not. Transition to where? How? For whom? What sorts of futures are possible or even imaginable against the negativity of apocalypticism or the ecocidal business-as-usual of capitalist realism? What can be learned from past articulations of cultures and ecosystems undergoing radical change–either voluntarily or through violence? What can traditional indigenous knowledges or transcultural stories of metamorphosis teach us about the possibility of reconfiguring self or environment? As with previous ASLE-UKI conferences, the organisers are happy to receive papers on any aspect of literature, culture, and environment.