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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: “Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Medievalisms” Special Session at International Congress on Medieval Studies (9/15/22)

Special Session: Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Medievalisms

58th International Congress on Medieval Studies
Kalamazoo, Michigan
May 11-13, 2023

Organizers: Robert Sirabian, UW-Stevens Point; Daniel C. Najork, Arizona State University

Presider: Daniel C. Najork

Abstracts due September 15, 2022

For this session, the organizers seek proposals that focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century novels and/or poetry that address what Louise D’Arcens notes as a key conceptual idea in Medieval studies: “One broad distinction that might provisionally be made is between the medievalism of the ‘found’ Middle Ages and the medievalism of the ‘made’ Middle Ages” [The Cambridge Companion to Medievalism (2016) 2]. This session aims to explore this distinction through presentations that examine how writers of novels and poetry in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries both research and uncover the Middle Ages as well as creatively imagine and recreate it. As was pointed out in informative discussions during several sessions on medievalisms at last year’s Congress, the term involves a self-conscious use of the Middle Ages that combines both the historical record and imagination, allowing writers and artists to reflect and critique commercial, social, and political realities as well as create the Middle Ages that we desire and need.

Papers should focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century novels and/or poetry that address these issues.

Please email a 500-word abstract and the Participant Information Form to Robert.Sirabian@uwsp.edu and Daniel.Najork@asu.edu by September 15, 2022.

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