“Victorian Ecologies” – Free ASLE-UKI Online Seminar
Thursday, May 26, 2022
5:00 – 6:30 p.m. BST / 12:00 – 1:30 p.m. EDT
ASLE UK & Ireland warmly invite you to an evening of talks exploring Victorians through their relationship with the world around them. Topics will emphasise the great width of Victorian engagements with the environment, ranging from New Zealand to the English countryside, from the songs in the sky to the bottom of the sea, from scientific to poetic exploration.
Confirmed speakers:
Mary Bowden (University of Delaware): “Vegetable Villains: Popular Science and Social Critique”
Megan Kuster (University College Dublin): “The Assemblage of Avian Extinctions: Indigenous Contributions to Victorian Scientific Discourse”
Francesca Mackenney (University of Leeds): “The Psychology of Pain in Man and Beast: A Reading of Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Blinded Bird’”
Joan Passey (University of Bristol): “Shipwrecks, Seabeds and Ecological Thinking in the Victorian Novel”
Please register through eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/asle-uki-online-seminar-victorian-ecologies-tickets-302129897657