BAVS@Home: Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom
British Association for Victorian Studies
Online via Zoom
14 July 2021, 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. GMT
BAVS looks forward to having you join the BAVS@Home: Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom on 14 July. Please note the corrected event time of 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. GMT; if you already registered, no further action is needed. If you are unable to join due to conflict, the organizers will try to get the session recorded.
This series of flash talks explores ways to reimagine how Victorian studies can be taught through a positive, race-conscious lens.
Presenters: Pearl Chaozon Bauer (Notre Dame de Namur University), Ryan Fong (Kalamazoo College), Sophia Hsu (Lehman College, CUNY), and Adrian Wisnicki (University of Nebraska)
Host: Claudia Capancioni (University of Lincoln)
Undisciplining the Victorian Classroom is a digital humanities project that reimagines how to teach Victorian studies through a positive, race-conscious lens. Beyond advocating to foster the application of innovative, interdisciplinary teaching approaches by introducing less-studied, global, Victorian-era writers, artists, and communities into the classroom, the project developers make every effort to reach consensus by building a collaborative model of community based on care. As a form of knowledge building that seeks to destabilize central authority, collaboration, the developers contend, has been the best approach for imagining antiracist possibilities for Victorian studies.
This presentation by Dr. Pearl Chaozon Bauer, Dr. Ryan Fong, Dr. Sophia Hsu, and Dr. Adrian Wisnicki will explain the dialogue and coalition-building process of establishing a broad community that celebrates different forms of interdisciplinary expertise while providing care and support for each person involved in the project. Through a description of the different forms of content available on their website, such as lesson plans, peer-reviewed syllabi, and Zoomcasts (i.e., recorded interviews with colleagues in the field doing important antiracist work), the developers will discuss how they are working to transform Victorian studies, a field that has been historically white in terms of its content, practitioners, and methodologies. By supporting the work of undervalued scholars, graduate students, and contingent faculty, all of whom are structurally vulnerable and require specific forms of care as they confront the current crises facing higher education, the developers believe that Victorian studies and academia writ large can start to become the equitable, antiracist space we imagine it to be.
This event is part of the BAVS@Home series hosted by the British Association for Victorian Studies. Tickets are free to all BAVS members, contingent faculty and independent scholars, and just £5 for non-members.
EventBrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bavshome-undisciplining-the-victorian-classroom-tickets-157859438831