Revolution(s), Evolution(s), Circulation(s)
Annual Conference of the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals
Temple University
September 10-12, 2020
Proposals are invited for papers or panels of three or four related papers that address any aspect of the Victorian periodical or newspaper press. Proposals relevant to the conference theme of Revolution(s), Evolution(s), Circulation(s) are particularly welcome.
Topics that might be considered include, but are not limited to:
- Coverage of revolutions and revolutionary thought in the periodical press
- Censorship, restriction, and control of the press
- Revolutions and evolutions in periodical production, design, illustration, editorship, readership
- Darwin’s Theory of Evolution or other revolutionary scientific and medical theories
- Upheavals in class, gender, race
- The New Journalism
- Circulation of periodicals
- Dissemination of ideas: plagiarism, copy, imitation
- Circulating bodies (emigration/immigration, the slave trade)
- Circulatory systems (pollution, disease, blood)
- The growth or evolution of specialized periodicals
- Fashion and fads
- Revolutions and evolutions in work and entertainment
- Revolutions and evolutions in periodicals studies, research methodologies, and teaching periodicals
- Digital (r)evolutions and the press
Proposals for 20-minute papers or panels should be submitted by February 14 at the RSVP application portal:
Applicants will complete a short information form and upload the following documents to the portal:
- Proposal for papers: A 250-word abstract with a title plus a separate 75-word biographical statement.
- Panel proposals: A set of three or four 250-word abstracts with titles plus a general title for the session. Include a 75-word biographical statement for each participant.
Graduate students and independent or retired scholars may indicate on the form that they wish to be considered for RSVP travel awards for attending the conference and presenting a paper. All those giving a paper at the RSVP conference are required to be members of the Society.