Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Registration: Romanticism In a New Key (4/5-6/2019)

Romanticism In a New Key: A Symposium in Honor of Jerome McGann

Boston University

Boston, Massachusetts

April 5-6, 2019

Speakers: Luisa Calè, James Chandler, Paul Keen, Jon Klancher, Marjorie Levinson, Michelle Levy, Meredith McGill, Alan Richardson, Jeffrey Robinson, Jane Stabler, and Andrew Stauffer.

With keynote speaker Jerome J. McGann.

April 5-6, 2019

Colloquium Room, Photonics Center

Boston University

8 St. Mary’s Street, Boston MA 02215

Registration is free and open to the public: click HERE.

For more information contact Adriana Craciun, acraciun@bu.edu

Organized by Adriana Craciun, Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Chair of the Humanities at Boston University and Editor of Studies in Romanticism.

Sponsored by: Boston Area Romanticist Colloquium; Boston University Center for the Humanities; Boston University Departments of English, European Studies, New England & American Studies, and World Languages and Literatures; Boston College Department of English; Emma MacLachlan Metcalf Chair of Humanities; Studies in Romanticism.

Inquiries: barc@bu.edu, http://sites.bu.edu/barc/

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