Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Prize: The Trollope Prize (6/1/2019)

The Department of English at the University of Kansas is pleased to announce information about the Trollope Prize competition for 2019.

The Trollope Prize is an essay contest open to both undergraduate and graduate students writing about the works of Victorian novelist, Anthony Trollope.  Essays are invited on the topic of "Trollope and His World." Submissions may include essays focusing exclusively on the works of Anthony Trollope; comparative essays on Trollope and other writers; essays examining Trollope's work and career in the larger context of Victorian history, culture and society; historical or literary essays on topics central to Trollope's work and illuminated by his work; or essays on the reception of Trollope's work or on his larger cultural influence.

This year’s panel of judges includes Mary Poovey, Professor Emeritus at New York University and author, most recently, of Finance in America: An Unfinished Story (with Kevin Brine), Genres of the Credit Economy and A History of the Modern Fact; Gordon Bigelow, Professor of English at Rhodes College and author of Fiction, Famine, and the Rise of Economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland; and Dorice Elliott, a Conger-Gabel Teaching Professor and Associate Professor of English at the University of Kansas and author of The Angel out of the House: Philanthropy and Gender in Nineteenth-Century England. 

Prizes will be given to the best essay written by an undergraduate student ($1,000) and the best essay written by a graduate student ($2,000).

The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2019. For submission guidelines and more information about the prize, visit http://trollopeprize.ku.edu or email Ann Wierda Rowland at arowland@ku.edu.

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