Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

To submit items for Of Victorian Interest or Member Publications, please email felluga@purdue.edu

New Work from BRANCH

BRANCH would like to announce the next round of publications at the site. The following essays are now ready for perusal. You will notice that this most recent set of publications includes geolocation for the articles, linking the articles to the new map-builder tool at COVE:

You can find information on how to submit articles to BRANCH here: http://www.branchcollective.org. If you are interested in making use of COVE tools for your teaching or research, do not hesitate to contact the general editor, Dino Franco Felluga (felluga@purdue.edu). The COVE team is waiting to help. All BRANCH articles are peer-reviewed, revised, copy-edited, and proofed. BRANCH and COVE are open-access, open-copyright, and not-for-profit.

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