“Consuming Cultures”
2018 MMLA Conference’s MVSA-Affiliated Panel
Kansas City, Missouri
November 15-18, 2018
In keeping with the MMLA conference theme, “Consuming Cultures,” the Midwest Victorian Studies Association panel welcomes proposals that explore methods of cultural consumption in 19th century Britain.
The myriad possible topics include methods of cultural consumption, production of materials to be consumed, and cultural and social expectations that govern, control, or recommend consumption, including the following:
- Reading and literary or print culture
- Eating, manners, and food culture
- Writing and print culture
- Traveling and regional and/or global culture
- Colonization and the culture of the Empire
- Family and domestic culture
- Entertainment, diversions, and popular culture
- Time and serialized or periodical culture
- Art and aesthetic culture
- Activist culture
- Cultural shift in areas like industry, law, science, and religion
The organizers welcome papers about diverse genres and media and would particularly encourage proposals with significant interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary engagement, highlighting varied aspects of nineteenth-century British history, literature, and culture.
The deadline for proposals is March 30, 2018. Please submit a 250-word abstract and a 1-page vita (as Microsoft Word documents) for consideration to Gretchen M. Frank at mvsaatmmla@gmail.com.