Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Reminder: CFP: Victorian Futures (3/15/2018; 11/8-10/2018)

Victorian Futures
VISAWUS Conference
Palm Springs, CA
November 8-10, 2018

The Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States (VISAWUS) Conference for 2018, in Palm Springs, CA, November 8-10, invites papers on the theme of "Victorian Futures." VISAWUS 2018 explores the diverse ways that the Victorians represented and grappled with the future, Victorian understandings of the future as a personal and universal concept, and the continuities of the Victorian period into the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and beyond. The organizers encourage papers across all disciplines, including (but not restricted to) art history, literature, gender, history of science, history, material culture, political science, performance, life writing, journalism, photography, popular culture, and economics.

Panel or paper topics might include:

  • The future of Victorian studies
  • Victorian utopias/dystopias
  • Imperial expansion/imperial decline
  • Progress / conservatism
  • Eugenics
  • City planning in the nineteenth century
  • Seriality and temporality
  • Nineteenth-century scientific romance/speculative fiction
  • Later imaginings of the nineteenth century (Neo-Victorian media and writing, parody, steampunk, time travel)
  • Nineteenth-century influences in early science fiction
  • Modernity and modernism
  • Depictions of the future and the concept of futurity
  • Victorian ecologies and the ecological future
  • Queer temporalities in the nineteenth century
  • Ghosts and the afterlife
  • Fin de siècle/ fin du globe
  • Victorian religions and the future (faith, redemption, eschatology, apocalypse)
  • Feminist futures (the suffrage campaign, marriage reform, divorce law)
  • The politics of Victorian historiography
  • Historicism and temporality
  • New media in the nineteenth century
  • Evolution / degeneration
  • Investment, credit, and financial speculation
  • Victorian science and invention
  • Prophecy, prediction, and anticipation
  • Time and form in Victorian art, writing, and media

The keynote speaker will be Joy Dixon (University of British Columbia). Dr. Joy Dixon is Associate Professor of History of University of British Columbia. She is author of Divine Feminine: Theosophy and Feminism in England (2001). Professor Dixon is currently working on a book-length study, tentatively titled Sexual Heresies: Religion, Science, and Sexuality in Modern Britain, that explores the impact of the new sciences of sexuality and new understandings of sexual identity on religion and religious experience, from liberal modernism to the new orthodoxies of conservative Catholicism and evangelicalism. The provisional title for her conference talk is “Sex and the Secular Future.”

Conference participants will have the opportunity to participate in a pedagogy workshop on Saturday morning.

To submit a proposal, email a 300-word abstract and 1-page CV (name on both) to visawus2018@gmail.com by March 15, 2018. Each year, VISAWUS awards the William H. Scheuerle Graduate Student Paper Award ($600.00) to the best graduate student paper presented at the conference. All graduate students presenting at the conference are eligible for the William H. Scheuerle Graduate Student Paper Award.