The Armstrong Browning Library (ABL), a world-renowned research center and rare-collections library devoted to nineteenth-century studies and located at Baylor University, has established a three-month research fellowship opportunity for leading scholars in nineteenth-century studies.
The fellowship includes funding in the amount of $20,000 for a scholar residing outside of North America or $18,000 for a scholar residing within North America. Prof. Dino Felluga (English, Purdue University) is serving as the inaugural fellow during fall 2017.
Applications are now being accepted for fall 2018. Applications are due September 8, 2017. Finalists will be notified by September 30, 2017, and will be interviewed by mid-October. See the attached information sheet for details about qualifications, funding, responsibilities, and application materials. You may also visit the fellowship webpage:
Please direct all applications and inquiries to Dr. Joshua King, Margarett Root Brown Chair in Robert Browning and Victorian Studies at the ABL (