Travel Writing / Writing Travel
MMLA 2017
Cincinnati, Ohio
November 9-12, 2017
The Midwest Modern Language Association’s Permanent Session of Travel Writing / Writing Travel is soliciting proposals for 20-minute papers. The conference this year is November 9-12 in Cincinnati, Ohio.
This year’s conference theme – “Artists & Activists” – provides rich opportunity to explore the shared concerns (and complications) of travel, art, and activism. Papers on any aspect of this topic from any time period are welcome, including but not limited to the following ideas:
- the politics of travel and travel writing
- the politicized subjectivity of the traveller / writer
- travel as activism
- the ways in which travel writing affirms or denies its own politics
- travel writing as manifesto
Of particular interest are papers that create space for dialogue across disciplines or genres. Please send proposals of 500 words to by April 5, 2017.