Nineteenth-Century Space-Times
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English Conference (ACCUTE)
Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
May 27-30, 2017
The nineteenth century witnessed critical shifts in the perceptions of time and space. Developments in geology and biology suggested new, expansive notions of space and time, resulting in geological time scales and the concept of deep time. Meanwhile, as the introduction of Greenwich Mean Time standardized railway schedules, rail travel itself rendered the experience of space flexible as journey times decreased. Simultaneously, mathematical developments like non-Euclidean and higher-dimensional geometries initiated new ways of theorizing space. How did nineteenth-century literature respond to these changing perceptions and experiences of space and time? This panel seeks to expand on current investigations into nineteenth-century temporality and spatiality by scholars such as Andrea K. Henderson, Deanna Kreisel, and Wolfgang Schivelbusch. Topics may include (but are not limited to) the following:
Please send submissions to Amanda Paxton (, and include the following: a file containing a 300 to 500-word paper proposal, without personal identifying marks; a file containing a 100-word abstract and a 50-word biographical statement; the 2017 Proposal Info Sheet available on the ACCUTE website: