Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Union and Disunion in the Nineteenth Century (11/28/2016; 6/22-23/2017)

plymouth-university-logoUnion and Disunion in the Nineteenth Century
Plymouth University, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA
June 22-23, 2017

PUNCS (Plymouth University Nineteenth Century Studies) invites proposals for 20-minute papers for a proposed international, interdisciplinary conference on 22-23 June 2017 on the general theme of union and disunion. The first international conference hosted by PUNCS began on the day of the Brexit vote, and commentators have seen this event in the context of other signs of anti-globalisation, and in a landscape of violent disintegrations or forcible integrations in the twenty-first century. PUNCS are interested in papers by scholars working in British, continental European, American and world history in the nineteenth century: in literary studies, history, legal history, art history, economic history, geography and other disciplines.

Possible themes for exploring union in individual papers or panels include:

  • Union as a concept in the natural or human sciences
  • Acts of union (legal incorporation into nation states through treaties and legislation, or forcible unification; or municipal level unification, as in the union of the Three Towns in Plymouth in the early-twentieth century)
  • Economic unions (e.g., Zollverein and imperial unions)
  • Trade unions
  • Political unions (e.g., the political unions of the reform era in Britain in the 1820s), or women’s suffragist organisations
  • Organisations for social policy and welfare such as Poor Law Unions
  • Unions and disunions in religion, e.g., the creation or breakup of denominational unity, the forging of ecumenical bodies.
  • Unions in terms of family, personal and sexual relationships in works of literary fiction or dramatic representation
  • Union as a topic in artistic, architectural and other aesthetic discourses
  • Fear of disunion and acts of civil war
  • Proposals for papers (maximum 300 word abstract and a brief c.v.) should be sent to: james.r.gregory@plymouth.ac.uk by 28 November 2016. For more information, please visit https://plymouthuniversitynineteenthcenturystudies.wordpress.com/2016/08/10/union-and-disunion-in-the-nineteenth-century/.

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