Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: NCSA Roundtable Discussion on Interdisciplinarity (9/1/2016; 2/2-4/2017)

NCSA logoRoundtable Discussion on Interdisciplinarity in the 19th Century

Nineteenth Century Studies Association Meeting, “Memory and Commemoration”
February 2-4, 2017 in Charleston, SC

What is the fate of interdisciplinary studies in hard times, when humanities programs suffer and liberal education must often defend itself against accusations of irrelevance? As a scholarly organization that welcomes and encourages interdisciplinary work, the Nineteenth Century Studies Association would like to host a roundtable on this subject at their meeting in Charleston. In the hopes of inspiring a discussion of the benefits and challenges of interdisciplinarity, the Association is asking for proposals for very brief (10-minute) presentations on any aspect of interdisciplinarity. There will be five or six presentations, followed by an open discussion.

Subjects may include (but are not limited to):

  • The challenges of interdisciplinary research; 19th century collections
  • Interdisciplinary teaching in the humanities, such as art and literature or film (or media studies) and history
  • Interdisciplinary teaching across the disciplines, such as medical humanities or science and technology in the 19th century
  • Literature, the arts, history, or religion in relation to politics, anthropology, psychology, or other areas of social and behavioral science
  • Innovations in digital humanities with an interdisciplinary 19th century focus
  • Transatlantic and global interdisciplinarity
  • The interdisciplinary basis of area studies in the 19th-century context
  • Remembering and commemorating key texts and thinkers
  • Professor Judith W. Page (University of Florida) will organize and moderate the session. Please send your 250-word proposals and one-page cv to page7@ufl.edu by September 1, 2016. Abstracts should include author’s name, institutional affiliation, and title of presentation in the heading.

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