Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Registration: British Women Writers Conference 2016 (5/1/2016; 6/2-5/2016)


Registration is now open for the British Women Writers Conference 2016, which will take place June 2-5 on the University of Georgia's campus in Athens, Georgia. To help the organizers plan for the conference, please fill out the online registration form as soon as possible. You should receive a receipt by email once your information has been received. After the registration form is completed, dues can be submitted by mail to:

British Women Writers Conference c/o Courtney Hoffman
254 Park Hall
Department of English
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia 30602

Please note that fees must be submitted as two separate checks, one for the British Women Writers Association’s annual membership dues (addressed to BWWA), and one for conference registration fees (addressed to UGA with ‘BWWC 2016’ in the memo line).*
The breakdown of fees is as follows:

Graduate Students:
To BWWA: $10 annual membership fee
To UGA: $50 conference registration fee (+ $25 banquet fee)
After May 1, late conference registration fees will be $60 (+ $25 banquet fee).

Adjunct/Contingent Faculty, Independent/Retired Scholars:
To BWWA: $10 annual membership fee
To UGA: $70 conference registration fee (+ $25 banquet fee)
After May 1, late conference registration fees will be $80 (+ $25 banquet fee).

Full-Time Faculty:
To BWWA: $20 annual membership fee
To UGA: $100 conference registration fee (+ $25 banquet fee)
After May 1, late conference registration fees will be $120 (+ $25 banquet fee).

*The conference cannot accept online payments at this time. International scholars may pay fees in cash at the conference in June.

Graduate students, independent scholars, and contingent faculty are invited to apply for a BWWC travel grant. Submission instructions can be found here: Travel Grant Application Instructions.

BWWA members may arrange to have their recently-published books displayed at the conference in an exhibit managed by Scholar’s Choice. Requests must be submitted by the publishers, not the individual authors, by May 1. More information for authors can be found here: Scholar’s Choice Book Exhibit.

For more information about the conference please visit their website: https://bwwc2016.wordpress.com.

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