Both calls for papers are for proposed MLA sessions related to William Morris. The 2017 MLA Conference will be held in Philadelphia, PA, January 5-8, 2017:
1) “Craft and Design in Literary Study: The Legacy of William Morris"
The William Morris Society seeks papers using craft or design (histories, theories, methodologies) as an approach to literary study, or exploring the relationship between literature and craft/design. They are particularly interested in papers that convey Morris's ideas about or his place within craft, design, and/or the Arts and Crafts Movement. Send abstracts and c.v. by March 15, 2016 to
2) “Beautiful and Useful: The Lasting Legacy of William Morris and the Art of the Book”
Special Session Co-sponsored by the Book History, Print Cultures, Lexicography Forum and the William Morris Society
The William Morris Society seeks papers on Morris, his contemporaries, and/or his transnational successors (e.g., the Anglo-American Arts and Crafts Movement, Jugendstil or Art Nouveau book design, and current fine arts presses). They are particularly interested in how concepts embodied in Morris’s design of the book and the influence of manuscript culture have been translated across literary and artistic periods. Considerations of paper, inks, bindings, and type fonts are also welcome. Send 1-2 page abstracts and a c.v. (2-page max.) by March 15 to and