The annual prize is awarded for an essay on any aspect of the works and/or life of Joseph Conrad. The prize is dedicated to the memory of Juliet McLauchlan, the Society's founder and first long-serving Chair, with the aim of encouraging new writing on Conrad.
The essay competition is designed to foster work by new Conradians and emerging scholars, including undergraduates, postgraduates, and independent scholars of any age, subject to the proviso that entrants should not have held a full-time academic appointment for more than three years.
Essays must be original and between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length. The essay must be in English and should be typed double-spaced, and cannot have been previously published in any form.
The value of the prize is £200. Winning and commended entries may be considered for publication in the Society’s journal, The Conradian.
The deadline for this year’s competition is 20th May 2016. Your essay, accompanied by a brief CV, should be sent to The Secretary, Joseph Conrad Society, c/o POSK, 238-246 King St., London W6 0RF, U.K. or to the Secretary by email attachment at