All are invited to the "The Uses of 'Religion' in 19th-Century Studies" Conference at Baylor University, which will be held in the Armstrong Browning Library from March 16-19, 2016. A list of panels, speakers, and presentations is available here.
The conference features an international coterie of scholars who will participate in a variety of panels to examine how the category "religion" was constructed and deployed in nineteenth-century literature and culture, and to reflect self-critically on how scholarship invokes that category now. The conference will feature presentations that will extend the understanding of these uses of "religion" and inform future academic conversation.
"The Uses of 'Religion' in 19th-Century Studies" Conference is free to all who wish to attend. Registration is only required for those who are not on the program and plan to eat meals on Thursday and/or Friday (March 17 and/or March 18). The registration fees are $90 for meals on both days and $50 for meals on one day. Attendees may also purchase a ticket for $20 to hear a special conference concert on Friday. Conference registration is now open and can be accessed from the conference website at
If you plan to stay overnight in Waco during the conference, a block of rooms has been set aside at the Holiday Inn Express and Suites, which is just a few minutes from campus by car, for $109 per night. To register a room, please use the special link provided on the conference website ( or call (254) 732-1038 and indicate that you would like a room in the Uses of Religion Block. To ensure you obtain a space, please make your reservation before February 16, 2016.
For more information about "The Uses of 'Religion' in 19th-Century Studies" Conference, please visit, email, or call (254) 710-4968.