Of Victorian Interest

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Event: Mary Elizabeth Braddon Public Engagement and Study Day at University of Hull (11/13/15; 11/14/15)

Mary Elizabeth Braddonmary-elizabeth-braddon

Public Engagement and Study Day

14th November 2015

Teaching Room 2, Brynmor Jones Library, University of Hull

This event is a study day to commemorate the centenary of Braddon’s death in 1915, and is open to the public. It is co-hosted by the Mary Elizabeth Braddon Association, the Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies, and the OpenCampus programme at the University of Hull.

12.00 – Registration and Welcome

12.30 – Keynote: Dr Anne-Marie Beller (Loughborough)

‘“Queen of the Circulating Libraries”: Mary Elizabeth Braddon and Changing Constructions of Victorian Authorship’

Chair: Janine Hatter

2.00 – Tea/Coffee Break

2.30 – Panel: ‘From Sensation to Gothic: Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Spookier Stories’

Chair: Jane Thomas

Victoria Margree (Brighton): ‘Mary Braddon’s Supernatural Short Fiction’

Helena Ifill (Sheffield): ‘Mary Braddon’s Use of the Gothic in her Shorter Fiction’

Janine Hatter (Hull): ‘Mary Braddon’s Rewriting of the Faustian Pact: Gerard; or The World, The Flesh, and the Devil’

4.00 – Roundtable: ‘From Sensation to Detection: Mary Elizabeth Braddon’s Detective Story “The Mystery at Fernwood”’

Group discussion lead by Janine Hatter

5.00 – Drinks Reception, Gallery Hall, with a private viewing of the exhibition: ‘Theatre, Crime and Sensation: Mary Elizabeth Braddon, Hull and the East Riding’

Registration for the day, including refreshments, is £10. Please register by Friday 13th November via the University of Hull’s Online Conference website: http://shop.hull.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&catid=90&prodid=254

Any queries please email: j.hatter@hull.ac.uk

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