Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: London Nineteenth-Century Studies. “Graduate Conference” (4/2/2015; 4/25/2015)

London Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminar Graduate Conference
Senate House, University of London
April 25, 2015
Deadline: April 2, 2015

“Graduate Conference”

Keynote Speaker: Regenia Gagnier (Exeter)
Plenary Speaker: John Sutherland (UCL)

This years London Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminar Postgraduate Conference day takes place on April 25, 2015 at Senate House, University of London.

The purpose of the day is to enable postgraduate students working on any aspect of the long nineteenth century to present and discuss their research in a friendly and collegial setting. The conference day aims to encourage students to establish and develop their personal and professional networks, as well as to build skills and confidence in presenting their work.

The committee invites proposals for ten-minute papers from all postgraduate research students and those registered at any of the Colleges and Institutes of the University of London are particularly encouraged to apply. You may choose to focus on a single element of your research but we suggest you indicate how this aspect fits into the framework of your larger project.

For more information, see: londonc19studiesseminargradconference.wordpress.com

Proposals of 200 words, together with a brief biography, should be sent to c19graduateconference2015@gmail.com by April 2, 2015. The committee will confirm your inclusion in the programme shortly after that date.

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