The Wordsworth-Coleridge Association (for 2016 MLA)
Austin, Texas
January 7-10, 2016
Deadline: March 15, 2015
“Romantic Religion”
Essays should examine the beliefs, practices, and representations of religion in the British Romantic period. Topics may include:
- sectarianism, natural theology, and sermons
- faith, doubt, test acts, high/low church, Catholicism, Judaism, Unitarians, Quakers, and other Dissenters; missionary imperialism and spiritual imports (fetishism, animism, Buddhism, Islam, and Native American spirituality)
Biographical statement: In addition to your abstract, please provide a biographical statement (circa 250-300 words), written in the third person, stating your name, job title, affiliation, final degree institution and date, and information on your scholarly publications. Particularly relevant is scholarship that directly relates to the proposed session topic(s). In order to “pitch” the sessions effectively to the MLA, please include some persuasive talking points about the importance, significance, and contribution of your work to the profession, with special attention to any work you've done that relates to the session topic. In other words, please explain why you are the ideal person to present on this topic.
Essays selected will be published in The Wordsworth Circle.
Abstracts (circa 250-300 words) by March 15, 2015 to James McKusick: