Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of the Western United States (VISAWUS)
Sheraton Downtown, Denver, CO USA
October 22-24, 2015
Deadline: March 15, 2015.
“Victorian Self-Fashioning”
Keynote Speaker: Bernard Lightman, York University
The organizers encourage papers across all disciplines. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:
- Aestheticism
- Class mobility/class identity
- Fashion
- Portraiture
- Literary reputation
- Empire building
- National identity
- Theater
- Neo-Victorian reimaginings
- Theater
- Gender identities
- Steampunk
- Self-help/Self-improvement
- Artistic reputation
- Professionalization
- Racial identities
- Advertising
- Mediums and spiritualism
- Individualism
- Vulgarity
- Education
- Self made man/woman
- Mesmerism
- Performativity
- Madness and disease
- Demographics
- Sciences of the human
- Photography
- Private and public selves
- Crossdressing
- Personality types & stereotypes
- Christian Muscularity
- Authenticity and shams
- Regional identities
- Regimes: diet, exercise, medicine
Each year, VISAWUS awards the William H. Scheuerle Graduate Student Paper Award ($300.00) to the best graduate student paper presented at the conference. All graduate students presenting at the conference are eligible for the William H. Scheuerle Graduate Student Paper Award.
To submit email a 300-word abstract and 1-page CV (name on both) to by March 15, 2015.
For more information visit: