Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Prize: NAVSA Best Book of the Year (1/31/2015)

Best Book of the Year in Victorian studies
Deadline: January 31, 2015

NAVSA is pleased to announce the annual prize for the best book of the year in Victorian studies. In addition to receiving complimentary registration and up to $1000 for travel, the winner of the NAVSA Best Book of the Year will be honored with a special session devoted to the book at the annual NAVSA conference.

Books may be on any topic related to the study of Victorian Britain or its empire, and the winning book will be selected according to three criteria:

  • Potential significance for Victorian studies
  • Quality and depth of scholarly research and interpretation
  • Clarity and effectiveness of presentation.

Only monographs are eligible; no essay collections or new editions.

Anyone is free to nominate a book, and self-nominations are welcome. Authors do not need to be members of NAVSA and may be from any country and of any institutional standing.

In order to be eligible for the prize, the book must carry a copyright date from the previous calendar year.

The prize is also contingent on the author’s attendance at the next NAVSA conference for the entire range of conference dates. Authors must appear in person at the special session or they are not eligible for the award. Next year’s conference will occur in Honolulu, Hawaii July 9-12, 2015.

To nominate a book that was published in the 2014 calendar year, please submit the following by January 31, 2015 (that’s a receipt deadline, not a postmark deadline):

Melissa Valiska Gregory
Department of English
MS 126
University of Toledo
Toledo, Ohio 43606

The NAVSA Executive Council selects two judges for the Book Prize, both of whom will also be present at the conference round table. The council will strive for interdisciplinary representation on the prize committee whenever possible.

Questions may be directed to melissa.gregory@utoledo.edu

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