Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: NeMLA ’15 Roundtable: “‘Hysteria Beyond Freud’: Nineteenth-Century Nerves” (9/30/2014; 4/30-5/3/2015)

nemla_logoNeMLA 2015
Toronto, Ontario
April 30-May 3, 2015
Deadline: September 30, 2014

Roundtable: "'Hysteria Beyond Freud': Nineteenth-Century Nerves"
How are we setting new ground for our cultural and literary approaches to hysteria, or revisiting and problematizing previous conceptions? This roundtable invites redefinitions of the representation and use of hysteria in long nineteenth-century literature, medical texts, and art. Presenters may explore the intersection of hysteria with the national body, gender ideology, form or genre, political affinity, iconic cultural discourses, etc. Please create a username at the following NeMLA website in order to submit your 300-400 word abstract:  https://nemla.org/convention/2015/cfp.html#cfp15087.

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