Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: MLA '15 "Victorian Travelers & Cultural Memory" (3/15/2014; 1/8-11/2015)

MLA 2015
Vancouver, Canada
January 8-11, 2015
Deadline:  March 15, 2014

"Victorian Travelers and Cultural Memory"
Dr. Andrea Kaston Tange is putting together special session for MLA 2015 seeks papers that consider how travel writings "rely on, create, reinvent, or consolidate collective memories of places/cultures/events in an age of colonial expansion." The panel chair would like to put together a panel that considers a range of perspectives and/or travel destinations. The 2015 MLA theme is memory, and this panel would like to think broadly about cultural memory as a kind of collective of impressions that shapes people's understanding of the foreign. Any kind of work that considers how travelers themselves depend upon cultural constructions or memories of other places and/or that investigates what travel writing does to help build consensus or invent "memories" of places for the benefit of armchair travelers would be welcome. 

300-word proposals and brief CVs can be sent to akastont@emich.edu via email; deadline. March 15, 2014. Indicate AV needs, please.

Please note that this is a CFP for a special session; Dr. Tange will submit a session proposal by April 1, and the panelists will be notified by early June about acceptance into the conference.

The official CFP can be viewed here: https://www.mla.org/cfp_review&id=7112&exit_page=cfp_main(but this requires an MLA member login).

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