Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Registration: BSLS 2014 (4/10-12/2014; 3/27/2014)

Registration Open
British Society for Literature and Science Conference 2014
University of Surrey, Guildford
April 10-12, 2014
Deadline: March 27, 2014
Keynote talks will be given by Professor Jim Al-Khalili (University of Surrey), Professor Bernard Lightman (York University, Toronto), and Professor Mary Orr (University of Southampton). The conference will finish with an opportunity to visit Down House, the home of Charles Darwin, on the afternoon of Saturday 12 April.
Accommodation: please note that those attending the conference will need to make their own arrangements for accommodation. Information on local hotels is available on the conference website.
Membership: conference delegates will need to register as members of the BSLS (annual membership: £25 waged / £10 unwaged). It will be possible to join the BSLS when registering for the conference.
To register for the conference please visit the University of Surrey online store at http://tinyurl.com/p92lleg. The deadline for registration is March 27, 2014.
Information about how to get to the University of Surrey is available here: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/about/visitors/travel/.

For further information and updates about the conference, please contact Gregory Tate (g.tate@surrey.ac.uk) or visit the conference website at http://tinyurl.com/pp6ubz5.

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