Spring Term Programme of Events
Inaugurated by Birkbeck's Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies in 1987, the Seminar is chaired by Dr Ana Vadillo (Birkbeck) and organised by a committee made up of nineteenth-century specialists from the English Departments of the colleges of the University of London. Responsibility for each season of seminars is passed around the group.
Friday January 17, 2014
Steward House, Room 349
17:30 - 19:30
Archaeology of Emotions 1
Stefano Evangelista (Oxford): 'Encounters with Sculpture in Sigmund Freud and Vernon Lee: Science, Aesthetics, Pathology'
Carolyn Burdett (Birkbeck): 'From shareability to Unanimism: or, how psychology tried to keep the Good in the Beautiful'
Friday February 7, 2014
Stewart House, Room 349
17:30 - 19:30
Archaeology of Emotions 2: Panel on An Archaeology of Sympathy
James Chandler (Chicago); Respondent: Luisa Calé (Birkbeck)
For more information please contact Ana Parejo Vadillo (a.parejovadillo@bbk.ac.uk) or visit the website at: http://events.sas.ac.uk/events/visitor_events.php?page=ies_seminars&func=results&aoi_id=54