"Literature, Ideas and Society” Seminar Series
Warburg Institute Seminar
December 4, 2013
The “Literature, Ideas and Society” seminar series at the Warburg Institute (London) will be hosting a session on “Gender and Sexuality" on December 4, 2014 at 5:15 pm. The session consists of two thirty-minute papers, followed by a formal discussion and an informal reception.
- Daniel Orrells (University of Warwick) “The ‘Homo’ in Homosexuality: Ancient Same-Sex Desire and Late-Victorian British Imperial Culture”
- Nicole Horejsi (Columbia University) “Contemporary Fables for a New Augustan Age: Rewriting Classical Heroines in the Eighteenth-Century Novel”
For more information: http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/index.php?id=574
For any queries, please email the organisers: Michael Meere (michael.meere@kcl.ac.uk) or Guido Giglioni (guido.giglioni@sas.ac.uk).