Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: MVSA 2014 'Victorian Violence" (10/31/2013; 4/11-13/2014)

2014 MVSA Conference
April 11-13, 2014
“Victorian Violence”
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

The Midwest Victorian Studies Association will hold its 2014 annual conference at the University of Michigan, April 11-13, 2014. Papers are sought for topics related to the conference theme of "Victorian Violence." Contributions may consider any aspect of conflict or resistance and its representations in art, music, history, or literature: violence in the army, the colonies, the prisons, the streets, the workplace, the family, the home, and even the animal kingdom. Papers on resistance to violence—such as anti-vivisection or the British anti-war movement—are also welcome, as are talks on indirect and systemic forms of violence. We are planning a collection of essays based on the conference.

In addition to the conference theme, we invite proposals for a Victorian Pedagogy Roundtable. Presenters will introduce innovative and successful strategies for teaching Victorian literature, history, music and culture in the classroom. Presentations for this session need not be linked to the conference theme.

MVSA’s 2014 Jane Stedman lecture will be given by Lara Kriegel (Indiana University). Dr. Kriegel’s plenary lecture is titled “Graceful Exits: War Cemeteries, Violent Legacies, and the Afterlife of the Crimean War.”

Send a 300-word abstract and 1-page vita (both as MWord documents) by October 31, 2013, to conferencesubmissions@midwestvictorian.org. Even if you do not submit a paper, please plan to attend!

The Midwest Victorian Studies Association is an interdisciplinary organization welcoming scholars from all disciplines who share an interest in nineteenth-cen
tury British history, literature, and culture.

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