Ann Radcliffe at 250: Gothic and Romantic Imaginations
University of Sheffield
June 27-29, 2014
Keynote Speakers:
Emma Clery (University of Southampton)
Fred Botting (Kingston University)
Jane Stabler (University of St Andrews)
Fred Botting (Kingston University)
Jane Stabler (University of St Andrews)
An international conference will be held at the University of Sheffield June 27-29, 2014 to celebrate the 250th birthday of Ann Radcliffe and the launch of a collection of essays upon her work (eds. Townshend and Wright, CUP 2014). Ann Radcliffe at 250: Gothic and Romantic Imaginations, will celebrate the fiction and poetry of the celebrated 'great enchantress'. Besides formal papers and panels, we will also hold roundtables upon the topics of Teaching Ann Radcliffe and Screening Ann Radcliffe.
Paper and panel proposals are welcomed on but not exclusive to the following topics:
- Radcliffe’s novels
- future directions for Radcliffe studies
- Radcliffe’s legacies (a special panel to be convened by the Romantic Heirs early careers network)
- Radcliffe in Europe
- Radcliffe and poetry
- Dramatic adaptations of Ann Radcliffe
- Radcliffe and her contemporaries
- Radcliffe and print culture
- Radcliffe and politics
- Radcliffe and travel
- Radcliffe and visual culture
The roundtable sessions will discuss:
- Teaching Ann Radcliffe
- Screening Ann Radcliffe
In addition to launching this essay collection, there will be further opportunity for participating delegates to publish their work: the organizers have secured no fewer than three special journal issues to celebrate the 250th anniversary: Romanticism (eds. Callaghan, Firth and Merrills); Women’s Writing (eds. Smith and Bennett) and Gothic Studies (eds. Mathison and Smith).
ence website for details of where to submit your proposals, and further information about the conference itself.
We now invite proposals for papers and panels, with the deadline of November 30, 2013. Please send all abstracts to
Please visit our conference website for details of where to submit your proposals, and further information about the conference itself.
Organising committee: Angela Wright (Sheffield), Dale Townshend (Stirling); Madeleine Callaghan (Sheffield); Andy Smith (Sheffield); Liam Firth (Sheffield); Fern Merrills (Sheffield); Hamish Mathison (Sheffield); Joe Bray (Sheffield); Mark Bennett (Sheffield); Kate Gadsby-Mace (Sheffield); Lauren Nixon (Sheffield); Kathleen Hudson (Sheffield)