Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Surrealism and the Gothic (12/1/2013)

Gothic Studies is seeking to publish a collection of articles examining the connections between Surrealism and the Gothic. Possible topics of discussion could include (but are not limited to):
The influence of Gothic texts on Surrealist writers and artists (e.g., Walpole and André Breton; Poe and the Comte de Lautréamont; Poe and Magritte; James Hogg and André Gide; Matthew Lewis and Antonin Artaud)
  •  Surrealist elements in the work of Gothic writers and artists
  • The legacy of the Surreal in Gothic films and fictions from 1924 to the present day
  • The legacy of the Gothic in Surrealist art and literature
  • Romanticism, the Gothic and Surrealism
  • More than the sum of their parts: Surrealism and the Gothic
  • The Gothic and Surrealism: subcultures or counter-cultures?
  • Freud, the Gothic and Surrealism
  • De Sade, Surrealism and the Gothic
  • The wisdom of madness: insanity in Gothic and Surrealist texts
  • Crime as social rebellion in the Gothic and Surrealism
  • Women Surrealists and the Gothic
  • The function of humour in the Surreal and the Gothic

Please send a 500-word abstract and curriculum vitae to: Professor Avril Horner, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, Kingston KT1 2EE. 
Deadline for proposals: 1 December 2013.
The official journal of the International Gothic Studies Association considers the field of Gothic studies from the eighteenth century to the present day. The aim of Gothic Studies is not merely to open a forum for dialogue and cultural criticism, but to provide a specialist journal for scholars working in a field which is today taught or researched in almost all academic establishments. Gothic Studies invites contributions from scholars working within any period of the Gothic; interdisciplinary scholarship is especially welcome, as are readings in the media and beyond the written word.

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