MLA 2014, Chicago, 9-12 January 2014
The Victorian Division seeks abstracts for a panel on Victorian Informatics.
What were the properties of information in the Victorian period? Was there a Victorian culture of information? How did Victorians, amass, manage, propagate information? How did ideologies and economies of information shape forms of cultural expression—and vice versa?
What were the properties of information in the Victorian period? Was there a Victorian culture of information? How did Victorians, amass, manage, propagate information? How did ideologies and economies of information shape forms of cultural expression—and vice versa?
Topics might include:
- Producing, organizing, or circulating knowledge
- Information taxonomies and technologies
- Economies and ecologies of information
- Narrating information
- The poetics or aesthetics of information
- Wanting facts—or having too much information
The Victorian Division also seeks abstracts for a panel on Victorian Temporalities.
What distinguished the experience of time in the period, or the Victorian temporal imagination? How did the Victorians make sense of simultaneity; of different time scales; of discontinuity or mistiming?
What distinguished the experience of time in the period, or the Victorian temporal imagination? How did the Victorians make sense of simultaneity; of different time scales; of discontinuity or mistiming?
Topics might include:
- Instantaneity
- Lived time, realtime
- Geological time or deep time
- Duration
- Synchrony and asynchrony
- Intermittence
- Spending, saving, or wasting time
500-word abstracts and brief cvs to Richard Menke ( by 1 March 2013.