Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: MLA 2014 Victorian Division panels on Victorian Informatics & Victorian Temporalities (3/1/2013; 1/9-12/2014)

MLA 2014, Chicago, 9-12 January 2014
The Victorian Division seeks abstracts for a panel on Victorian Informatics

What were the properties of information in the Victorian period? Was there a Victorian culture of information? How did Victorians, amass, manage, propagate information? How did ideologies and economies of information shape forms of cultural expression—and vice versa?
Topics might include:
  • Producing, organizing, or circulating knowledge
  • Information taxonomies and technologies
  • Economies and ecologies of information 
  • Narrating information
  • The poetics or aesthetics of information
  • Wanting facts—or having too much information

500-word abstracts and brief cvs to Richard Menke (rmenke@uga.edu) by 1 March 2013.
The Victorian Division also seeks abstracts for a panel on Victorian Temporalities

What distinguished the experience of time in the period, or the Victorian temporal imagination? How did the Victorians make sense of simultaneity; of different time scales; of discontinuity or mistiming?
Topics might include:
  • Instantaneity
  • Lived time, realtime
  • Geological time or deep time
  • Duration
  • Synchrony and asynchrony
  • Intermittence
  • Spending, saving, or wasting time

500-word abstracts and brief cvs to Richard Menke (rmenke@uga.edu) by 1 March 2013.

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