Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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CFP: Victorian Play(s): Excess and Expression (1/30/2013; 4/27/2013)

Victorian Play(s): Excess and Expression
46th Annual Victorian Studies Association of Ontario Conference
27 April 2013, York University
The VSAO executive invites proposals for 20-minute papers to be presented at next spring’s annual conference on 27 April 2013.  The conference theme will be “Victorian Play(s): Excess and Expression." Victorian acting, playacting, acting out; posing, positing, and performing; divinity and fabulousness: considerations of any aspect of Victorian life or culture connected to the theme are welcome. Please send electronic copies of proposals (300-500 words) and a brief biographical statement to Matthew Rowlinson (mrowlins@uwo.ca) by 30 January 2013.

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