A pioneering historian, inspiring teacher and one of the founders of the American Conference for Irish Studies, Professor Emmet Larkin (1927-2012) was truly one of the twentieth century giants of Irish historical studies. To honor his memory, ACIS and Dr. Larkin's friends and family have created the Emmet Larkin Fellowship, an annual research award of $700 to be given to an advanced Ph.D. student working on a dissertation on an Irish topic (diaspora included) in History or the Social Sciences at a North American institution. Applicants should submit an application letter (a 2-3 page proposal that explains the scope and goals of the project, the intended use of the funds, and includes a brief, select bibliography), a CV and two letters of recommendations to Michael de Nie, Chair, Larkin Fellowship Committee, Department of History, University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA 30118: mdenie@westga.edu. Electronic submission is encouraged. The deadline for submission is November 1, 2012.
American Conference for Irish Studies: http://www.acisweb.com/info.php?type=main