Meeting at the University Library, Aldham Roberts at 4pm there will be a meeting with Seth Cayley, Publisher for Cengage Learning, to discuss products in the Gale Catalogue and the imminent launch of their new digital project on The Daily Mail. There will be a break for refreshments followed by a paper delivered by Dr Clare Horrocks on the Punch Contributor Ledgers. The talk will be centred on the first phase of her project to digitise the Punch Contributor Ledgers and will include the launch of the pilot site which has digitised 1843 - 1847 of the Ledgers as well as providing a site where teaching and learning resources for working with Victorian periodicals can be hosted. The whole site will be free at the point of access, meaning that scholars of Punch and Victorian authors like Jerrold and Thackeray can for the first time easily identify the full extent of the material they actually contributed to Punch. The second phase of the site through to 1855 is due for release in 2013.
For further information, please feel free to contact Clare offlist at
Dr Clare Horrocks
UK Liaison for the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals (RSVP)
Senior Lecturer in Media, Culture, Communication
(Admissions Tutor and PDP Co-Ordinator)
Dean Walters Building
Liverpool John Moores University