Victorians Institute: “Victorian Mixed Media”
Virginia Commonwealth University
October 19-20, 2012
The conference website, with program, is available at
Highlights include:
- Curators' tours of British Arts and Crafts and Sporting Art collections at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
- "Collecting Browning,” a reception with a talk by Mark Samuels Lasner at VCU Cabell Library to open the exhibit "Robert Browning, 1812-1889: A Bicentenary Exhibition from the Mark Samuels Lasner Collection"
- Browning Bicentennial talk by Herbert F. Tucker: "Unsettled Scores: Structure and Play in Browning's Music Poems"
- Victorian Theatrical Society of the University of Virginia performing “Red Riding Hood” from Florence Bell’s Fairy Tale Plays and How to Act Them (1896).
Plenary Address by W. J. T. Mitchell: "Seeing Madness: Insanity, Media, and Visual Culture"
Recital by Kenneth Wood: "Unchained Melody: Giving Voice to Victorian Art Song"
For more information contact David Latané,