Victorian Poetry: Forms and Fashions
A Conference in Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Victorian Poetry
19-20 April 2013
West Virginia University
Please send 300-500 word proposals for papers and a 1-page c.v. via email to by 15 November 2012. Papers on any aspect of Victorian Poetry and Poetics are invited, especially those devoted to: the reconsideration of poetic forms and formal innovations; fashions, trend, and modes in poetry; the publication and commerce of poetry; poetry book history; and Victorian prosody and stanzaic forms. Papers devoted to the “fashions” of scholarship on Victorian poetry for the last fifty years are also invited.
Keynote addressby Linda K. Hughes, Addie Levy Professor of Literature at Texas Christian University. Professor Hughes’ books include The Cambridge Introduction to Victorian Poetry, Graham R.: Rosamund Mariott Watson, Woman of Letters, and The Manyfaced Glass: Tennyson’s Dramatic Monologues.