The University of Delaware Library invites you to "Old Guard/Avant-Garde: The Politics of Post-Victorian Aestheticism,” a presentation by Kristin Mahoney (2012 University of Delaware Library/ Delaware Art Museum Fellow in Pre-Raphaelite Studies).
Kristin Mahoney is an Assistant Professor of English at Western Washington University in Bellingham, Washington. She has published articles on the national politics of collecting Vernon Lee and Dante Gabriel Rossetti in Criticism, Victorian Studies, and Victorian Periodicals Review. She is the editor of Hubert’s Arthur by Baron Corvo, published by Valancourt Books in 2009. Her current research is on late-Victorian aestheticism in the early twentieth century.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 12 noon Class of 1941 Lecture Room
Morris Library
University of Delaware
181 S. College Avenue
Newark, DE
Light refreshments to be provided.
RSVP by Monday, July 9, 2012to or to 302-831-2231.
Parking validation will be provided for the Trabant University Center Garage on Main Street, the Perkins Student Center Garage on Academy Street or in the Visitors’ Lot #41 on South College Avenue upon leaving the Morris Library.