Of Victorian Interest

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Of Victorian Interest

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Registration Open: Politics, Performance and Popular Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain (4/19-20/2012)

Registration is open for the April symposium on "Politics, Performance and Popular Culture in Nineteenth-Century Britain" which is part of the AHRC-funded research project, "The cultural politics of English pantomime, 1837-1901" We're meeting in the Arts Building, University of Birmingham, from 2pm Thursday 19 April, to 6pm, Friday 20th April.


You can find the schedule and information about speakers at:

Speakers include:

  • Mike Sanders (Manchester): on Platforms, Correspondences and Theatrical Metaphor.
  • Jim Davis (Warwick): Victorian pantomime and the Politics of Gender Variance
  • Jane Pritchard (Victoria and Albert Museum): on Ballet, class and identity
  • Jill Sullivan (Independent): on The Irish question in regional pantomime
  • Marcus Morris (Lancaster): on Labour leaders, political rhetoric and performativity
  • Richard Gaunt (Nottingham): on Peel as actor-dramatist (parliament itself as theatrical institution)
  • Caroline Radcliffe (Birmingham): on Theatrical hierarchy and Cultural capital: East and West London
  • Anselm Heinrich (Glasgow): on Gladstone, national theatre and contested didactics of theatre.
  • Janice Norwood (Hertfordshire): on East End Socialism, performance techniques in protest/marches
  • Peter Yeandle (Lancaster): on Christian Socialism and performing arts: politics, theology and theatricality

Registration details and online registration can be found here:

Directions to Birmingham (Edgbaston Campus): http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/contact/directions/index.aspx

Recommended Local Accommodation: http://www.nmr.bham.ac.uk/documents/HotelsRestaurants.pdf

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