NINES / NEH Summer Institute: Evaluating Digital Scholarship
June 19 – June 22, 2012
University of Virginia
Hosted by NINES
In 2012, NINES (Networked Infrastructure for Nineteenth-century Electronic Scholarship) at the University of Virginia will be hosting the second of two NEH Summer Institutes in Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities. The topic is “Evaluating Digital Scholarship," and we are specifically inviting current and incoming Department Chairs in English, Foreign Languages, and Classics to participate.
We are planning to gather Department Chairs from a range of colleges and universities to address these issues specifically at the level of departmental leadership. Starting from documents produced last year, we aim to produce collaborative working papers that could help guide the activities of language and literature departments as scholarship moves into digital forms.
Last summer’s Institute brought together scholars and administrators for a series of conversations about scholarly values and the opportunities and challenges of the digital. Information and documents generated at the 2011 Institute can be found at our website. (
The 2012 Institute will be focused on five categories of departmental activity, with attention to the specifics of literary studies and the digital humanities:
- Promotion and tenure
- Hiring and retention
- Graduate training
- Curriculum and teaching
- Departmental culture
The NINES / NEH Institute will begin on the morning of June 20 and continue through the evening of June 22, 2012. Participants will be reimbursed for their travel expenses and hotel costs and given a modest honorarium.
Applications should consist of a *c.v. and a brief narrative* (not to exceed 800 words) describing your background/perspective, your reasons for wanting to be part of the Institute, and your thoughts on departmental activities in reference to the changing nature of scholarship in a digital age.
Please send applications by December 15, 2011 to
You may direct questions to the organizers: Andrew Stauffer at the University of Virginia (, Laura Mandell at Texas A&M (, or Susan Schreibman at Trinity College Dublin (